Directory: Asian Center and Tri-College Alumni
Dear Asian Center and Tri-College Alumni,

May I ask you to fill out this Google Form and provide your contact details, among other information? We hope to compile an updated and comprehensive directory of Asian Center and Tri-College graduates.

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Last Name, Full Name, MA/PhD *
Current Position/Occupation *
Researcher, professor, etc.?
Institutional Affiliation *
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise *
Please separate each by semicolon
Degree(s) Completed at the Asian Center and Year of Graduation *
Sample answer: MA in Asian Studies (1990); PhD Philippine Studies (1996)
If you did not take your PhD at the Asian Center, where did you do so, what was your Ph.D. in, and what year did you graduate?
Sample Answer: University of Notthingham, Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, 1995; please leave blank if not applicable
Telephone/Cellphone Number/Landline *
Email Address *
Please double-check as you type to avoid bounced emails.
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The information you provide here is subject to the Privacy Policy of the University of the Philippines Diliman:  You may also view your rights and responsibilities vis-a-vis the data you provide: To read how we store your data, you may read the Asian Center's privacy policy @
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