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BSP - Dental Software Survey

The BSP would like to find out more from its members about any challenges or suggestions for improvement of dental software they may be using. The software development industry can be difficult to influence but it is hoped that we can provide feedback to the industry by presenting collected views. We therefore invite you to take part in a short questionnaire to enable us to understand your views on the dental software you may be using in clinical practice. 

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Are you happy with the software you currently use in practice?

Which software do you use in clinical practice?

Do you feel the software allows easy recording of BPE scores?

Most software allows recording and generation of plaque and bleeding scores. Does your software allow bleeding scores to be generated from a pocket chart with bleeding on probing sites?

Do you feel the software allows easy recording of periodontal pocket charts?

Does your software have a feature which allows you to classify periodontal diagnosis?

Does your software allow you to make an easy comparison of periodontal pocket charts/other periodontal parameters between different dates?

How could your software be improved to meet the needs of your periodontal practice?

Are you looking to change your software?

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