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Community Support Fund NVC Academy
You can learn more about our pricing and our approach to discounts and scholarship requests here -
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
Which course are you wanting to participate in and for which you are requesting funds (please enter the name of the course, or enter NVC Library if you are requesting a subscription to our NVC Library)? *
What are you hoping to be able to do with what you would learn in this course (or through a Library subscription)? This will not influence our decision about how much we are able to support you. It is only going to support us in knowing what we are actually contributing to by giving you this support. *
What is the price of the course or Library subscription that you are asking for a discount on? *
What is the amount you are able to give towards the course or library subscription in USD without incurring financial hardship? (please enter the amount in USD. Please enter 0 if that is the truth of your situation). *
In brief, what is the financial situation which means that you are unable to  give the full amount for  the course or Library subscription? *

To support ease and efficiency for us in organizing the discount program, please choose the option for this year. (There is only one option.)

Thank you for making your request. It is our intention to respond within 24 hours. You can reach out to us at if you have any questions.
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