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Coffee Chat with Michael S. Greco, former President of the American Bar Association
February 7th, 2018, 14:00pm – 15:00pm
WCC Room 4057

Please RSVP for a coffee chat with Mr. MIchael S. Greco.

Mr. Greco is former President of the American Bar Association and a former commercial litigation partner at the global law firm K&L Gates, LLP.  He is Visiting Professor of the Practice of Law at Peking University School of Transnational Law in Shenzhen, China, where he teaches international criminal law, and he is Chair of the ABA’s International Criminal Court Project and past Chair of the ABA Center for Human Rights. He has been recognized for undertaking a variety of projects related to human rights and criminal justice domestically and internationally, such as leading the ABA Task Force on Access to Civil Justice and serving as an expert on human rights and legal aid in Latin America at the invitation of the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Coffee and snacks will be served.

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