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Synthetik Future Wishlist
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Which are your favorite classes? Pick ! 2 !
I think the game should be:
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I think the SINGLEPLAYER should be:
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I think the MULTIPLAYER should be:
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I want the most:     [Choose !! 5 !! Options! ]
I want the SUPER most:     [Choose !! 2 !! Options! ]
CODE - I want the most:     [Choose !! 2 !! Options! ]
If there was Modding: I would like the most
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Other BIG feature wish:
Do you prefer a stronger progression (expansive but more rigid Talent Trees) or a more simple but on the fly changeable Loadout (I would rate the current S1 system a 4 on this scale)
No Leveling, pure loadout COD Style
Full Talent Trees ARPG Style
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How many active abilities/items do you think are good to manage at once in your inventory (how many buttons you want to press?)
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Weapons:  (Unique vs Real life)
I want more unique own designs
I want more real life ones
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Would you prefer getting the old weapons reworked, replaced and noticeably improved, or keeping all old and just add some more?
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Level design (Unique vs more procedural)
Less but Unique Rooms
More but randomized rooms
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Other Improvements:  What do you think is most important?  CHOOSE: ! 3 !
If we ever make a sequel, would you prefer a more fancy 3D engine with less features and content but 3D graphics, lights, 3D models, animations and effects or the 2D Engine with a bit better visuals but more content and features? (Same camera)
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Here is a cool code for a Gladiator Gatling run:  /GAU8
Enter in new run in chat - one time use
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