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Students Grievance / Compliment Form
Instructions: Students who have a concern/complaint or compliment about the College should complete this form and submit it to The Grievance will be handled by the ANNITE WELFARE COUNCIL
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Email *
Select one of the following *
Name of the Person and Department about whom the feedback is regarding: *
If this is in regard to a concern/complaint, have you made an attempt to resolve the situation with the Person and/or department involved? *
If YES, describe the outcome: (Attach any additional comments, if necessary. Max 15 lines)
If NO, describe your compliment/complaint/ in detail. (Max 15 lines)
If this is in regards to a concern/complaint, please include date(s) of occurrence(s) (be as specific as possible).
Attach additional comments or documentation that will help describe and substantiate the statements.
What would you like to see happen as a result of bringing this forward? *
Student Information
Name of the Student ( feel free  to mention):
Date: *
Roll No:
Year (I/II/III): *
Course *
Email Id:
Contact No:
I understand that information contained on this form will be held confidential to the extent possible. Feedback information may be shared with college officials in order to conduct a thorough investigation. I hereby declare that the information on this form is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation of information may result in disciplinary actions in accordance with college disciplinary policies.If a student name is not provided, this comment will be for informational purposes only.
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