Stakeholder Engagement Event - 30th November 2015
The Pain and Fatigue Management Service will be developing some new services over the coming year or two and we want the people who use or benefit from the service to be part of that change process. To start us off we will be holding a stakeholder engagement event on 30th November and would welcome anyone with a connection to the service to attend. There will be lots of opportunities to have your say as well as some activities to introduce you to some of the ideas we have had already.
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Venue: Concert Hall, Bronllys Hospital Time: 2pm
Your Name *
Please write your name (including surname) as you would like it to appear on any badges produced
Your connection to the service
e.g. past participant, future participant, carer, referrer
Contact telepone number
Please give us a number you can be reached on in case there are any major changes to the day
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