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Local pocket park upgrades-have your say!
As part of the £22.9 million Crewe Town Deal that I campaigned for pocket parks across Crewe are going to be upgraded.

Eight pocket parks in Crewe – Queen Street, Derby Docks, McLaren Street, School Crescent, Samuel Street, Lime Tree Avenue, Valley Park and Westminster Street – will receive investment to become more attractive and better equipped spaces for people to spend time, play and enjoy physical activity.

You can view the initial concept designs for some of the parks (Queen Street, Derby Docks, McLaren Street, School Crescent) here to give you an idea of what we want to deliver:

I want your feedback on the features you most want to see! I will share this feedback with the design team to help them finalise the designs. You can also share any feedback you have about the designs overall.

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Are you a nearby resident or regular user of one of the pocket parks?
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How often to you use one of the pocket parks on average?
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Which of the following features would you most like to see added to the park or parks that you use? Choose up to TEN that you would most like to see.
Do you have any other feedback about the four draft designs shown above? Please select the design then provide feedback in the following text box.
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