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Show Information
Information about a Potential Show Arranged by Paragon Arts
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What is the title of your Show? *
What is the legal/registered name of your group of performing artists? (e.g. Paragon Arts LLC) *
If yours is not a formal group, who is the representative who can sign on the agreement on behalf of the group? *
If yours is not a formal group, please provide names of each of the participants. *
What is an expected "SHOW COST"? (must include ALL costs inclusive of travel, royalties, honorarium, etc. for you to deliver a final "product" as ONE performance)  *

Which Weekends are your preferred dates for performance (specific dates and 3-4 choices)?

What is the name of the City from where you will travel to Cincinnati (nearest airport)? *

4. ⁠What is the name of the city where you will return to after the program (nearest airport)? 

⁠How many artists will be in your group including you? *
How many bedrooms will your group require for your stay? *
What musical accompaniment will be there for the program( tabla, harmonium, sitar etc.)? *
Do you have any special/specific requirements regarding your program (required sound system, lights, screen-projector, number of microphones)? Please be as specific as you can. *
Do you have any special/specific requirements regarding your stay (food allergies, dog/cat allergies, veg food, etc.)? *

How many number of Days you will stay in Cincinnati before and after your program(to arrive before and depart after)? 

Do you desire to perform in some other cities in addition to Cincinnati? If so, please suggest some cities and possible dates. *
Anything else you wish to convey that is not covered by above questions? *
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