Contact & Volunteer Form for #TeachAcceptance
We are inviting parents, alumni, and friends of the Catholic schools of the San Francisco archdiocese to volunteer to help fight against Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone's proposal to change the teachers' contract and handbook. Beginning next school year, the faculty and staff at our schools are required to sign a morality clause that will, in the end, harm our students and the integrity of our schools.  We believe that the students and employees at our schools deserve to go to work and attend classes free of fear and discrimination. In addition, the Archbishop has mandated that all faculty and staff be reclassified as “ministers,” which will leave them without workplace protection.

We affirm and believe in the value of diversity of thought within our Church. We also affirm and believe in the value of diversity and inclusion within the halls of our school. It is unconscionable that any employee or student should fear discrimination.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form. Please share it with three other people who you think would be interested in supporting our schools and keeping our schools safe for all. Also share the FAQ about the proposal, Please share the form to provide a testimonial,

Information updates are posted on our Facebook page,, and Twitter account,
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