You Have The CTRL: Application Form
Youth Exchange
Izmir, Turkey
October 9-16, 2021 (travel days included)

Applicants should be citizens or legal residents of Ireland, North Macedonia, Romania or Turkey.

Project webpage:
Info pack:
Please fill out the form using ONLY the Latin alphabet, WITHOUT DIACRITICS. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
First name: *
Your answer
Last (Family) name: *
Your answer
Gender: *
Date of birth: *
City of birth: *
Your answer
Country of birth: *
Your answer
City of residence: *
Your answer
Country of residence: *
Your answer
Phone number (please include country code): *
Your answer
E-mail address: *
Your answer
Your level of English: *
How many Erasmus+ projects did you attend? *
Your sending organization is: *
You apply as a: *
In case you apply as a youth leader or an accompanying person, please let us know what is your experience in working with young people with visual impairment?
Your answer
What is your motivation to participate to this youth exchange? *
Your answer
In case of an emergency, who should we contact on your behalf? *
Your answer
Do you have any special needs, dietary requirements, allergies or anything else that the host organization should know about?
Your answer
Regarding COVID vaccination, are you already vaccinated?
In case you would like to add something, here is the right place:
Your answer
Conditions of Participation: *
Data Protection (GDPR): *
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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