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2022 ETH Diversity Award Nomination
The Annual AVETH/ETH Diversity Award will honor an ETH scientific staff member who has contributed significantly to the advocation for diversity at ETH Zürich and beyond. The recipient will be chosen from nominations submitted by the ETH Zürich community.

Nominees for this award are expected to have made noteworthy impact in increasing diversity and the inclusion of underrepresented or marginalized groups within ETH. A nominee can either be a person (linked to an organisation or not), or an organisation.

The award includes a spot-light on the ETH diversity webpage and a cash prize. The prize will be awarded to an individual or organisation with the goal of amplifying ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.

*Please note that nobody from AVETH Diversity or ETH Diversity will be considered for this award.

The event will be held on June 8th from 17:00-18:00.
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What is your name? *
What is your role at ETH Zürich? *
What is your e-mail address? *
Which person or organization are you nominating? *
What is the e-mail address of the person or organization you are nominating? *
Please give examples of how this nominee serves as an inspiration or role model to our community at the ETH (max 200 words): *
Please give examples of how this nominee promotes diversity and inclusion within their workplace/community (max 200 words): *
Please give examples of how this nominee has or is planning to implement actionable initiatives towards fostering diversity and inclusion (max 200 words): *
Do you want to share any additional stories or comments for consideration (optional):
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