How do you use Technology in your professional practice?
My Research Question: How are your colleagues currently using technologies in their professional practice?

The following questions would help me to know this.
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What Grade Level do you teach? (primarily) *
How many years have you been teaching? *
What is your level of confidence when integrating technology into your classroom? *
Not Confident
Very Confident
Which digital technologies do you use most often to support student learning in your classroom? [please check the three technologies you use most often] *
Do you think Technology improves Student Learning? *
Why or Why not? *
How often do your students use computers, (lab or laptops), mobile devices, or iPads [as part of your lesson] in your classroom? *
What factors do you consider when choosing the technologies you will integrate in a given lesson? [pick all that apply] *
I feel confident in my ability to integrate multiple technologies into my teaching. *
I believe that integrating technology into my curriculum is important for student success. *
I have technology skills to support the students when they use technology for an assignment. *
I think it is important to teach students technology skills to prepare them for success in the 21st century. *
Time needed to prepare technology-based lessons deters me from creating them. *
Technology in the classroom slows down instruction and leads to more distractions than benefits. *
Do you feel your staff and department is on the same page with technology integration? *
Would you integrate technology more in your classroom if you had more training? *
What type of training and professional development would be most beneficial? *
What is the biggest challenge to integrating technology into your classroom? *
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