Closet Survey
SES stands for Socioeconomic Status, an issue that Northwestern students have only recently started talking about. However, students don't realize the extent of SES disparity on campus. As a result, we are trying to create a resource for students so that socioeconomic status is less of a barrier to success and achievement. We are working to create a formalwear closet on campus for students to borrow clothes for interviews, internships, formals, date nights, and any other event that prefers formal attire. This endeavor is student-run and we are trying to make sure that appearance is not something that holds us or our peers back from anything that they want to pursue while at Northwestern. This survey is aimed at gathering data to tell us whether students would use this resource and what you would like from it to best serve your needs.

All information is gathered anonymously.
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What is your gender? *
What year are you?
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While at Northwestern, what types of events have required you to be formally dressed?
Please choose all that apply.
How often do you attend events where you have to be formally dressed?
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If you own formal wear, how often do you dispose of/replace it?
Please state number of times per year.
If you get rid of formal wear, what do you do?
Please choose all options that apply.
Have you ever chosen NOT to attend an event because you have not had appropriate formal clothes? *
Have you ever felt like you had to borrow clothes from a friend because you didn't have something appropriately formal to wear?
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If your answer to the previous question was 'Yes,' who did you borrow clothes from?
Eg. roommate, friend, sibling, father, someone I'm in a student group with
Have you ever felt underdressed/incorrectly dressed/poorly dressed at an event but didn't have any other options in terms of what to wear?
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If you had access to a shared closet like this, would you use it?
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Which items would you specifically want to see in this closet?
Please select all that apply. ("Work" refers to professional attire and "Formal" refers to sorority, fraternity, residential hall, etc. formals)
How often would you be willing to pay a nominal fee (~$10) to use the closet?
If you are involved in any student groups that would like to help us develop this closet, please list them here:
Do you have any comments about this closet?
Concerns, ideas, opinions, questions.
OPTIONAL: If you would be interested in staying updated on our progress, please include your email address here:
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