Become an ELS Homestay Host
Please take a moment to complete the below information thoroughly and accurately. Qualified host families may be contacted about opportunities to host international students. Our offices can be reached at 727-864-7753.
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Street Address
Have you previously hosted international students? *
What was the length of stay of your international student guest(s)? Please briefly describe this experience.
Only respond if you answered YES to the question above.
Indicate the number of individuals, including head of household and spouse, who are 18 years of age or older and would be living with the student(s):
Indicate the number of individuals under the age of 18 years of age that would be living with the student(s):
Please describe the space available to accommodate the student within your home:
Why are you interested in hosting an international student?
How did you hear about the opportunity to host an Eckerd College ELS Student?
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