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Free Mindfulness Group Practice 免費靜觀小組修習 (十二/一月)(Dec 2021/Jan 2022)
This 20-minute free mindfulness practice is open to everyone. To avoid disturbance, the room will be closed 15 minutes after the session starts. All participants will be muted to keep background noise to the minimum. For convenience, the mindfulness practice of the day will be listed beside the date on the Zoom screen. We will conduct a short inquiry session after all practices.

Please be aware that mindfulness practice is not a replacement for therapy.  If you have any concerns for your psychological well being, please consult your doctor or psychologist independently of your mindfulness practice.  

這個二十分鐘的練習開放給所有有興趣的人士。為免影響大家的體驗,每節開始後15分鐘,將不會再開放予遲到人士加入。修習期間, 所有參加人士均須關閉語音系統,以減低背景嘈音。為方便大家準備,當天的靜觀練習已寫在日期旁邊。每次的靜觀練習會有簡短詢問環節。

請注意, 此靜觀修習並不能取代心理治療。如果你覺得自己須接受治療, 請向你的醫生或心理學家查詢。


Instructors 導師:

Beatrice Ng-Kessler 吳崇欣女士
Canada Certified Mindfulness Trainer 加拿大靜觀導師資格
Registered Clinical Psychologist 註冊臨床心理學家
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society 英國特許心理學家
Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, ISST 進階基模治療師資格

Master of Social Science (Clinical Psychology), The University of Hong Kong
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Facilitation Certificate (Advanced Level) The Centre of Mindfulness Studies, Canada
One-year Foundation course of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training, co-organized by The Oxford Mindfulness Centre and Hong Kong Centre of Mindfulness
MYMind Advance Teacher Training (Mindfulness Teacher Training for children with ADHD and Autism and their parents) by the University of Amsterdam
Mindful Parenting Advanced Teacher Training Certificate, by University of Amsterdam
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer, (organized by CUHK Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training and Mayfly Training)
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (by David Treleaven)

完成加拿大 The Centre for Mindfulness Studies 主辦的高級導師訓練課程
荷蘭阿母斯特丹大學主辦的MYMind 高級導師培訓(為有過度活躍及自閉症的孩子和家長設計)
香港中文大學敬霆靜觀研究與培訓中心主辦的靜觀認知治療(癌症) 導師課程
​Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness (by David Treleaven)


Queenie Liu 廖坤怡
Registered Educational Psychologist 註冊教育心理學家
Registered Teacher 註冊教師
Qualified Mindfulness Teacher 合資格靜觀導師

Certified instructor of MyMind and Mindful Parenting
Trained to Teach Paws B, .b and .b Foundation, organized by Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) in the United Kingdom
Level 1 Teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Programme, Mindfulness Centre at Brown University
Foundational Training in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), organized by Oxford Mindfulness Centre and Hong Kong Centre for Mindfulness
Certified instructor for teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents (Mindfulness Matters!, Academy for Mindful Teaching)

•可教授 Paws B, .b, .b Foundation (英國Mindfulness in Schools Project MiSP)
•美國布朗大學的靜觀減壓課程Level 1 導師
•荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學「靜觀子女教養課程」 Mindful Parenting 認可導師
•荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學專注力失調及過度活躍症、自閉症青少年和家長靜觀課程 (MYmind) 認可導師
•荷蘭Academy for Mindful Teaching 認可兒童及青少年靜觀導師


Session Schedule

10/12 (Fri) 1-2pm | English - Mindful breathing (with pain concern guidance) (20 mins) | Beatrice Ng-Kessler

24/12  (五) 1-2pm | 廣東話 - 應對身體痛楚的靜觀練習  (20分鐘) | 吳崇欣

7/1 (Fri) 1-2pm | English -Body Scan (with pain concern guidance) (20 mins) | Beatrice Ng-Kessler

21/1 (五) 1-2pm | 廣東話 - 靜心步行 (25分鐘) | 廖坤怡

Venue 地方:
Zoom 網上 (請在有私隱的地方出席) (please join in from a private space)

Inquiry 查詢:
9198 7264 /


What is Mindfulness? See our YouTube explanation below:
什麼是靜觀? 歡迎瀏覽我們的YouTube Channel了解更多:

You can watch other videos in our Mindfulness Series on YouTube in the following link:
如果想觀看其他有關靜觀的影片, 可以前往以下連結, 觀看我們的靜觀系列:
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你對靜觀認知治療 (春季2022 )英文課程有興趣?Are you interested in the Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (2022 Spring) course?
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