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Portrait commissions
Simple bust (head and shoulders) portrait commissions specifically for user icon or button/badge. Please read below for terms and conditions.

I can draw: fanart, original characters
I will not draw: NSFW/mature subjects, anything under strict copyright (Disney, Sanrio, indie creators)
I could probably draw but it won't look great so you need to be okay with mediocrity: furries, animals, plantlife, mecha

I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any reason.
At least 50% or half of the payment is required up front through Paypal, and any remainder must be paid on receipt of the final artwork. Button badge prices include first class shipping to the United States (international will be $5 more)
Refunds will be given if I am unable to finish within 2 months.
I will send out the sketch within the first 2-3 weeks, you can suggest changes then but after that, no more changes.
You may not use the artwork commercially, only for personal use. Please be sure to credit me as the artist (atelierinsomniel) if you share it, and please do not edit the image except for basic color filters.
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Your name *
Your paypal email address *
Your contact email address *
Format (choose one) *
Subject (please provide an image link) *
Comments (please include any further description or specifics you want drawn)
You're all set! Type let's go jojo into this box to acknowledge you've read the terms and conditions and will abide by them. Thanks! *
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