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Leaden's Commission Form
After you fill out this order request, I'll contact you either on Twitter (@LeadenTheGreat ) or Discord (leadenthegreat)

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Commission Options *
Go ahead and pick what you want, if more examples are needed I can provide. (Reminder, the drawings will always be in my style)
Go ahead and put down the amount of characters. Price Doubles for 2 characters. *
Please submit a reference of your character. Can either send to me a google drive link or Toyhouse if you have one. If not just send to me images on discord. *
Is there a specific kind of idea you have for the image? If you prefer to let me do my own thing, put that down but I do work a little faster with an idea in mind. Anything else we can discuss it in a bit more when I contact you. 
Preferred contact method  *
Username on chosen platform *
Any questions and comments you might have go here.
I take full payment upfront and will be completing your work within a week to a months time at most (I still work between comms). I will return your payment in full if I am unable to complete the commission. Do you understand? *
And lastly, Please write down your paypal email so that I know where to send the invoice. *
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