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WJCL Chapter Service Contest
Showcasing the friendly hand of the JCL!
One submission per school please.
All submissions must be in before Friday, January 26 at 1:00 pm.
While only the first two statements are required, please fill out the form with as much information as possible so the community service contest can be judged fairly.
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School name *
Your name *
Your phone number
This is asked in case there is a question about something on the form. If you wish to leave a different means of contact that you would receive fairly quickly, that is acceptable (e.g. email connected to your phone, carrier pigeon).
A numbered list of all the service projects your chapter completed
Projects with at least five chapter members from the day after the 2016 State Convention to the day before 2017 State Convention can be submitted. Please be concise in your descriptions.  After each description please give a close estimate to how many people (from your school) were at each service event. WJCL service events count as service project events (you do not need to have five members from your school at a WJCL service project event to list it,  just one).
A numbered list of total hours spent at each service project
Corresponding to the numbered list above, please list the total amount of hours spent at each service project. To clarify, if your club made cards for soldiers for one hour and five people were there, please write five hours not one.
Total hours served
A list of drives/fundraisers held by your chapter
Drives/fundraisers held in between the day after the 2016 State Convention and the day before 2017 State Convention can be submitted. Please list the tangible things your chapter has donated (e.g. money for a cause other than your chapter) and where they were donated to. After each description, please list an estimate of how many things were donated. Things brought by people from your chapter to a WJCL drive may be listed in this section.
Please have a teacher email to verify everything on this form.
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