Communication and Management Skills Training Workshop Evaluation form for Ananda College programme
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Prior to this communicaiton skills programme how would you rate your overall communication skills
3. After this communicaiton skills programme how would you rate your overall communication skills
4.For successful performance as a post intern, please rate how IMPORTANT the following skills are
Please select the rating you think is most appropriate where 1 = Not at all important and 7 = Very importantPlease select the rating you think is most appropriate where 1 = Not at all important and 7 = Very important
1. Communication skills during history taking
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2. Communication skills during patient examination
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3. Non-verbal communication
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4 Explaining the diagnosis in a way understandable to the patient
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5. Discussing the management plan with the patient
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6. Breaking bad news
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7.. Negotiation skills
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8. Emotional Intelligence
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9. Stress Managment
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10.Time Managment
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11. Self directed learning
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12. Communicating with the boss
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13. Public Relations
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14. Councelling
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15. Team work
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16. leading the team
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5.. How would you rate the Communication and Management Skills Training Programme?
6. To what extent was attending this training worth your time?
7.  Did your communication skills programme helped you to manage patients during post intern period
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8.Do you feel it should made compulsory for doctors to undergo communication skills training programme?
9. How often do a medical officer attend a communication skills programme in the futute?
10.Would you like to undergo'' Trainer of trainees' programme' and become a master trainer
Thank you for your time. Please note that this questionnaire is ANONYMOUS. No personal information will be shared or disclosed. The personal information will be treated separately and is collected to prevent duplication and validate the survey.
Phone number
Email address
Faculty of Graduation
The current working station
the district that you are currently working on
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