Week 1 Quiz
This week, we looked at the Unix Client and basic forming of algorithms. Let's recap how much we learnt/remember!
Note: Some of the questions here also cover the coding component in the Unix workshop!
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What language will we be programming in?
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Does problem solving here always involve fixed linear patterns (i.e Analysis , then design, then implementation and end after testing)
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When coming up with an algorithm, we aim for it to be effective yet general, and most importantly, to the point (exact). In what format can this algorithm be presented in?
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What type of language is pseudo-code supposed to be written in?
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Which of the following IS NOT a valid data type in c
Hint: Look back at pg 25!
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From the lecture's examples, a general pattern was observed in the algorithms - input and output. Is this correct?
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Task 1 in the lecture notes (pg 38) refers to a possible use of Pythagoras theorem to solve the problem. Are there any C libraries that I should include to use to solve the problem?
Hint: You will need to perform square root in the Pythagoras theorem.
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When I think my code is not working, what should I do?
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