8th Grade Social Studies Family Survey PD6
I am excited to have the opportunity to be a part of your scholar's learning experience this year! Thank you in advance for completing this survey which will allow me to begin to get to know you and the expectations you have for your scholar. I will not share this information with your scholar but you are welcome to complete it with her/him if you choose. I will be asking your scholars all of the same questions in a separate survey.
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Name of Scholar *
Name of person(s) filling out this form and relationship(s) to scholar *
Preferred contact information *
When I want to share praise, progress, and/or areas of growth for your scholar, who should I contact and how? Please include your preferred contact information and whom I should contact. For example: Call Dad's cell (973-876-5309) and email Aunt JoAnn (auntjoann@email.com)
What do you want me to know about your scholar? *
Assuming you remember that ancient time long ago in a galaxy far far away, how did you feel about Social Studies when you were in middle school? What specifically made you feel that way? *
How do you feel about the Social Studies (history, economics, sociology, political science, religious studies, geography, psychology, anthropology, civics) now? What's changed, if anything, about your feelings then and now? *
Have you shared that experience and those feelings with your scholar? *
What do you want your scholar to know and be able to do by the end of this course? *
In your opinion, which character strengths must your scholar possess in order to be a successful* person? *Acknowledging that measures of success vary based on so many different things. *
Check all that apply and please add any that you think should be included.
In your opinion, to what extent DOES your scholar demonstrate the following character strenths. *
Almost never
Almost always
OPTIMISM: believes that effort can improve his/her future; when bad things happen, thinks about things s/he can do to make it better next time; stays motivated even when things don't go well; believes that s/he can improve on things s/he is not yet good at.
GRATITUDE: recognizes what other people do for them; shows appreciation for opportunities; expresses appreciation by saying thank you; has done something nice for someone else as a way of saying thank you.
SELF CONTROL (ACADEMIC): comes to class prepared; remembers and follows directions; goes to work right away instead of waiting until the last minute; pays attention and resists distractions.
SELF CONTROL (INTERPERSONAL): remains calm even when criticized or otherwise provoked; allows others to speak without interrupting; is polite to adults and peers; keeps temper in check.
GRIT: finishes whatever s/he begins; sticks with projects/activities for more than a few weeks; tries very hard even after experiencing failure; stays committed to goals; keeps working hard even when s/he feels like quitting.
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: is able to find solutions during conflicts with others; shows that s/he cares about the feelings of others; adapts to different social situations.
CURIOSITY: is eager to explore new things; asks questions to help her/him learn better; takes an active interest in learning.
ZEST: actively participates; shows enthusiasm; approaches new situations with excitement and energy.
In what capacity would you be interested in contributing or participating in our class?
i.e. sharing interest/expertise about a topic we are studying, doing a read-aloud of a children's book connected to a learning topic, bringing in healthy snacks/drinks one period for no particular reason, teaching us about blogging techniques, other ideas??? :)
Additional comments or questions:
If you have questions, I will respond using the contact information provided above.
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