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Mindsight Research
Can you see without your eyes (blindfolded)? See examples here.

We invite you to participate in our ongoing research program! Simply fill out the form, and our scientists will contact you for a short online test via Zoom in the coming weeks.  

All testing is confidential and will not be shared publicly without your formal consent.

Thank you for your interest in exploring the boundaries of perception!
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First name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone number *
Country of residence *
How strong and accurate is your perception without using your eyes (while blindfolded)? Check all that apply. *
Do you have other abilities (outside of seeing without eyes?) *
Do you have any videos demonstrating your abilities. If so, please paste links here.
How long have you had the ability to see without using your eyes?
How did you learn to see without eyes?
Would you be open to a 30-minute online Zoom test session? *
Generally, what day of the week and time would be the best for the online testing? *
Do you consent to having the testing session recorded for scientific purposes? (It will not be shared publicly.) *
Could you consent to having your test results shared publicly on our website ( and related social media? You can change your mind at any time. (Note: Participation is not dependent on public sharing.)
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Would you be open to weekly collaboration, practicing for a few hours and participating in a 30-minute test once a week? *
Any other information you would like to share?
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