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Co-working & Private Office Space at Can-Do Kalamazoo
Please fill out this form to let us know how you'd like to use a coworking and/or private office space. We're gathering info so that we can design the best kind of space needed by our community's entrepreneurs.
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Email *
What is your full name? *
Do you have a business? If so, what is it called? *
How often do you anticipate using a co-working space?

How often do you anticipate using a private office space? *

What other amenities do you need?
Would you want a dedicated desk or would you just use whatever is available?

Would you hold client/customer meetings there?
Would snacks or drinks for purchase be appealing?
Would you be willing to talk to other entrepreneurs about your experiences?
Would you want to participate in entrepreneurial networking events?
Companies renting private office space in our new building will either have gone through our programs or be expected to provide some sort of service or provide value to CDK's entrepreneurs. Is this something you can agree to?
What monthly membership fee would you be able to pay?
Anything else you'd like us to know? *
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