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Please join us this fall as we study the book of Ephesians! In this letter, Paul writes of the amazing community that God has created among believers through Jesus and also encourages us to mature in our faith and life with Christ and one another.

Please register using this form so we can plan for booklets and childcare.  

Monday evenings, 7:30-9:00pm,  beginning September 14th  
Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:30am, beginning September 16th
*This is an 12 week study with a break the week of Thanksgiving (11/23 and 11/25), ending on December 7th and 12th.

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1627 Monument Avenue, 23220
Grace Room on the 2nd Floor

-Bible Study Booklets are $5.
-Childcare on Wednesday mornings will be $5 per child per week.  
  **If cost is an issue, scholarships are available for childcare. All requests for financial assistance are confidential. Please contact Meg Haden ( with scholarship questions.  

We are excited for you to join us as we study the book of Ephesians together!  
Please contact Meg Haden ( with any questions.
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Name *
Preferred Email Address *
Phone Number
Which study do you plan to attend? *
If you attend on Wednesday mornings and need childcare, how many children will need childcare?  
John Smith, 18 months, 8/1/2013
Any additional comments or questions?
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