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Private Tutoring Request Form
My priority during tutoring sessions is to help students build a growth mindset and believe that they CAN and WILL succeed in math! Instruction will be tailored to student needs and learning styles. I will use my own assessments,  in addition to any data that you can provide from school, to create an instructional plan to meet your child's needs.

I provide tutoring for homework help, exam preparation, general understanding of grade level content, and advanced work for students who are ready for a challenge.

Results on Algebra Regents Exam for students I have tutored: 100% pass rate
Results on Algebra Regents Exam for students I have taught in a school setting: > 95% pass rate

Private tutoring is available via Zoom, or in-person if you are located in the NYC area. 

Please complete the form below and you will receive an e-mail within 2 business days regarding availability and pricing. 
Email *
Child's Name *
Child's age
Parent/Guardian Name  *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian E-mail address *
Child's Grade Level  *
The purpose of the tutoring sessions will be *
Are you interested in online or in-person tutoring sessions?  *
If you answered "in-person" for the question above, please enter the zip code for tutoring sessions. I can come to your home or a local library/community center.
Does your child have an IEP? *
How many days/hours per week do you anticipate scheduling tutoring sessions?  *
Availability for tutoring sessions. Check all that apply.
What is your preferred start date?
Provide any information you have about the student's specific needs during our potential tutoring sessions. 
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