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Ottawa Reformed Church VBS Registration                                      
All 3 year old - 5th grade children are invited to zoom off with us on a trip of a lifetime to the Land Down Under!  We'll marvel at the unforgettable wildlife, culture, and beauty of Australia while singing songs, listening to Bible lessons, making crafts, playing games, and more!  We'll explore the wonder and value of life, from the lives of preborn babies to eternal life in the kingdom of God.    

**WE ARE AT CAPACITY OF 150 CHILDREN**  Please feel free to fill out the wait list form so we can notify you of any available openings!  Thank You!  
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June 20-23, 2022  *9:30am-12:00pm*  with Closing Finale & Ice Cream Social on Thursday, June 23  *6:30pm*  11390 Stanton Street, West Olive, MI
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