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True North Dog Training Intake Form
This form gives us all of the important information we need to get you established in our system and match you with the best fit of our services! The more information we get from you now the more accurate our training plan can be from day one!
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Email *
Owner Name *
What area are you located in?  *
Phone Number *
Dog Name *
Breed *
Age *
Sex *
How long have you had this dog and where are they from?   *

What resources are preventing you from making training progress with your dog currently?

What are your training goals?  *
What are our complaint behaviors? *
When did these complaint behaviors first begin? *
Have these behaviors gotten worse or intensified? Are there specific situations that seem to escalate things? How quickly does your pup recover?  *
What are some behaviors your dog does that you do like? *
What does your dog’s daily routine look like? *
Are there any important medical history or allergy concerns, environmental or food? *
Have you done training before? What did you like or dislike about it?  *
What training package sounds right for you?

 *Field Trips are a supplemental training program and not applicable as a solo option.*
How did you hear about us? *
If you are a referral, who referred you? 
*Please let us know so we can thank them!*
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