WWCode Blog Interview Form
You have been selected to be featured in a Women Who Code (WWCode) Blog. If you are willing, please fill out the form below. Any information you share may be used in a WWCode blog post. Please feel free to skip any questions you don't feel comfortable answering or if they do not apply to you.

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What is your name? *
Email *
What is your twitter name?
Please link to a photo of yourself. (Add photographer credit if known)
e.g. coding, giving a talk, a professional photo...
Why is being technical awesome?
What do you do in your day to day work life?
What excites you most about your career?
What is your most impressive accomplishment / project? Give us a little background on it.
What is a cool project you worked on recently?
side project or work project
What is a major technical challenge that you’ve overcome?
What is the biggest misconception that people have about tech?
What is your dream job? Is there anything you are doing to get it?
Have you helped others in the same or similar career path?
Please tell us how you did that
What do you really love to nerd out on?
What is your favorite technical protip?
some little thing that you have learned that has made you a better engineer
Has WWCode impacted your career? How?
General is good (made friends, inspired) Specific examples are awesome (promoted to lead, gave a talk at railsconf, making $40,000 more money, learned android...)
What advice would you give to your colleagues and peers who are 1-2 years behind you in their career?
Anything else you want to add?
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