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NGIN Photo Competition

NGIN Photo Competition 

Through this form you are able to enter the photo competition of NGIN. 

The top three winning photos will be exhibited during the World Food Forum in Rome from 17-21 October, 2022.  

By taking part in the Photo Competition, you agree to the Terms and Conditions

Whether you are a NextGen agriculture leader with a passion for photography or simply an enthusiastic young person with a great shot matching the theme, we invite young people in ag between the ages of 15 and 29 to submit your photos. It is free to enter and open to entrants around the world! 

🏆 1st Prize: 1.000 €  

🥈 2nd Prize: 500 €  

🥉 3rd Prize: 200 €  

Furthermore, 3x 100 € are up for grabs through the NGIN community vote from a shortlist of 10 photos of their three favorite photos!  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more

What is your name and surname?

What is your age? *
What is your country of origin? *
What is your e-mail to contact you? *
What is your occupation?

What was the location (country) in which the picture was taken? Please specify for each photo if you enter more than one.

What is your motivation to submit the photo(s) and what is the story behind the photo (e.g., people on the picture, location, context, etc.). Please specify for each photo if you enter more than one.
Please upload your picture(s) through and choose the option to get a link, please copy and paste the link here to enter your photos. Click this link if you want instructions how to do this (Please open the link in another tab!).

In case you experience problems with wetransfer, send the picture to

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