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Blue Stone Farm 2024 Market CSA Sign-up
To become a member for the 2024 season, simply complete this on-line form and submit payment for your chosen share size.  

We use the Market Share CSA model, which means that rather than a pre-set box of produce, you choose whichever available items you want during each week of the season (May 11 - October 22), and pick them up either at the Texas Township Farmers Market on Saturday or Tuesday, or at our farm in Otsego on Tuesday afternoons.  You also choose the total amount of credit you plan to spend during the season as the price of a share: standard levels are $300 (about $12 of produce each week, ~ 3 items: typically good for an individual or small family) $400 (about 4 items of produce each week) and $500 (about 5 items: good for a larger family or someone that eats lots of veggies).  You may pre-order your share each week through our online farm store, or choose any items available on our table during the farmers market.

You may use whichever of the following payment methods you prefer:
  - a check (mailed to us or brought to the first share pick up)
  - cash (brought to the first share pick up)
  - a credit card through our online farm store (there is an added service fee for this method)
We welcome any questions you may have - you can find more details
- on our CSA Information page:
- send an email to
- or call us at (269) 251-1418.

We look forward to having you as a member of our small farm community!

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Your name *
E-mail     *
Email is the primary means by which we will communicate with you throughout the season, including details of what will be available at market each week, along with ideas for using our seasonal produce
Mailing Address *
Street Name, City, Zip code
Phone number *
Value of your Market Share *
You may select whichever level is best suited to your needs.   Larger levels receive a proportionally larger bonus.  Unused amounts at the end of the season can be rolled over to next year, but we can not offer any refunds.  For payment, you can mail a check to us prior to the season, or wait and drop it off at the market.  We can also accept credit cards through our online farm store.
Primary pick up location
Member agreement
In exchange for your purchase of a market share, we at Blue Stone Farm intend to provide you with fresh, local, seasonal food.  Community Supported Agriculture is based upon a mutual commitment between farmer and members to share the risks and rewards involved in producing and consuming fresh, healthy food from a known local source. By becoming a member of the Blue Stone Farm LLC CSA program, you are helping support a business that emphasizes sustainable agriculture, environmental stewardship, and excellent food.

The farmers, Mark and Brenda Cowell, agree to:
Work hard to produce fresh, diverse, high-quality food for your household through the 2024 growing season
Manage our farm based on principles of ecological sustainability
Manage the farm to mitigate risk of crop failure to the best of our knowledge and ability
Manage the business honestly and ethically
Communicate regularly with our members about the progress of the harvest and offer suggestions for preparing your share
Treat all members fairly and equally, and respond thoughtfully to any questions or concerns

As a member, you recognize that:
Membership is an investment in the farm’s economic stability
Farming is fundamentally risky, that weather/pest conditions cannot be fully controlled, and thus that success and availability of specific crops cannot be guaranteed in any given season or year
We cannot offer refunds of your CSA membership.  If you are unable to spend all of your balance during the season, you are able to roll over this amount to apply to the following season.
It is important to read your email from us!  When you sign up, you will be added to our distribution list.  We will inform you of what is available at the upcoming markets, and offer suggestions about how to use your seasonal produce.
The best way to communicate with us is via email. Our email is We will do our best to respond as soon as possible, but please understand that we spend most of our time in the field growing your food and not at our desk. Please contact us with any changes to your postal or email address, or dissatisfaction with your share.

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