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Teaching and Learning through Innovation Technologies Grant

The ETC Teaching and Learning through Innovative Technologies Grant is presented to a classroom teacher(s) and/or technology leader(s) in an educational setting who work(s) to promote technology in education through best practices relating to innovative technology integration.  The action research focus for the Educational Technology Council for the upcoming year is personal-owned devices with an emphasis on how devices owned by students are used in the classroom; however, this grant can also support a project of your choice.

Eligibility Requirements
  • The applicant(s) is/are a current member(s) of Educational Technology Council of the ATA. Pre-service student members are also eligible.

  • The applicant submit(s) a Project Proposal outlining an innovative action research project which promotes technology integration in the area of personal-owned devices with an emphasis on how devices owned by students are used in the classroom or a project of your choice.

Award Criteria for Consideration
  • The project demonstrates effective and engaging technology integration into the K-12 curriculum.

  • The project is innovative and/or reflective of emerging technologies.

  • The project is topical based on new curriculum being implemented in the Province of Alberta or new initiatives being undertaken with emerging technologies.

  • The applicant commits to being prepared to share their action research based on the project, posting their project (or a link to their project) on the ETC website, and presenting at an upcoming annual conference, regional workshop, webinar and/or virtual presentation.

  • One grant of $3000 or up to three separate grants of $1000 each will be offered to ETC members in support of action research projects involving technologies in education; successful applicant(s) will receive 50% of the grant upon startup and 50% upon completion of the project.  The grant must be used to start or complete a project; grants cannot be received in retrospect, i.e. when a project is complete. The number of awards being presented will depend on the quality of the proposal(s) and the financial resources available for distribution.

Deadline: midnight June 30, 2024

  1. Nominations for the award will be judged by a selection committee composed of the ETC Executive.

  2. The ETC Teaching and Learning through Innovative Technologies Grant shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting in the spring.  

  3. The award recipient agrees to have their name and biography published and to submit a photo suitable for publication in the ETC Newsletter Bits and Bytes, and on the ETCATA website.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Job position and years of teaching *
School Jurisdiction *
School Address *
Please include the full mailing address with postal code
Applicant Acknowledgement *
Checking the box below will act as your digital signature
Project Proposal *
  1. Project Name

  2. Intended Grade Levels

  3. Intended Subject Area(s)

  4. Proposed Timeline

  5. How technology is being integrated

  6. How action research will be conducted and recorded 

  7. How you will document and comment on opportunities and challenges of your project

  8. Proposed budget (Grants may be used for hardware, software, telecommunications connect charges, teacher release time, or any other worthwhile component of the project. Hardware and software purchased with grant monies become the property of the school in which the teacher carried out the project.  Projects may receive funding from other sources as long as the expenses outlined in the proposal are paid for by the ETCATA grant.  No project should make a profit by acquiring funding from many sources.)

  9. School Support (Projects with school support are preferred.  This support could take the form of matching funding, teacher preparation time, etc.)

  10. Sharing the Results (Completed projects must be shared with other educators in an appropriate format such as print, video, web sites and/or conference presentations.)

  • Description of Support Website and/or Paper

  • Outline the title and description for the session you’d be willing to give at an upcoming annual conference, regional workshop and/or virtual presentation

***Please share a link to this project proposal***
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