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Ranger Rendezvous 47 Application for Program Presentation
Please complete this form if you want to be considered for a program presentation at the Ranger Rendezvous in Rapid City, SD. If you are applying for more than one presentation, submit a separate application form for each presentation.
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Email *
Is your presentation individual or a panel? *
If a panel, who else will present with you?

Abstract of your presentation (100 words or less)

Your bio (100 words or less) *
Presentations will be scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9. Which of these days will you be available? *
LCD projectors and projection screens will be available in each meeting room. You will need to bring your own laptop if you are going to present a powerpoint or video. What additional AV do you need, if any?
Anything else you want to tell us about your presentation?
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