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2021-22 Volunteer Youth Wellness & Fitness Training Session 3 Pilot 2021
Please complete this post evaluation survey based off of the THIRD session.

Please read each statement and indicate the number that best represents your experience during this program. Make sure to rank each statement. This survey is ranked on a scale of 1 to 4.

1= Strongly disagree
2= Disagree
3= Agree
4= Strongly Agree

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I know how I may help the environment or connect with the environment through physical activity
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I know ways to exercise outside safely and effectively.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I can identify benefits of aerobic activity.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I can identify benefits of being outside and getting fresh air
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I feel confident in creating a goal to incorporate intellectual wellness into my life.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I can identify different professions in the fitness/wellness industry
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I can use household items to aid in physical activity.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
I can identify a connection between physical activity and professional development
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Clear selection
What was your favorite part of the program today?
What did you like about your favorite part(s) of the lesson indicated above?
What was your least favorite part of the program today?
What could have been improved about the part of the lesson you selected above as your least favorite?
What SMART goal(s) did you set today? Feel free to share one or all three (Environmental, Professional, Intellectual)
Which career testimonials video(s) did you watch? (Check all that apply)
What would you still like to know about the career(s) from the video(s) you watched above?
This curriculum is meant to provide an overview of health, wellness, and fitness. Do you have any further suggestions for making this lessons more interactive virtually?
Do you have any other comments to share about Session 3 of the Youth Wellness and Fitness Curriculum?
In thinking about this program as a whole of 3 virtual sessions, do you have any overall feedback?
We are still open for suggestions on naming this program and curriculum, what would you call this Youth Wellness & Fitness program?
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We are also looking for teen educators to assist in our community events. Are you interested in becoming an active Health & Wellness Ambassador in the community? This could include table displays for community events, teaching opportunities, and more.
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Which topic(s) would you be interested in learning more about?
If you are a youth (ages 13-18), would be interested in participating in a Wellness & Fitness club by joining other like-minded youth aiming to learn, grow, and lead healthier lives?
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