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Volunteer Form
Many hands make quick work, and when you're a PTO, that couldn't be more true. Our PTO strives to create a welcoming environment where no amount of help is unappreciated. Please scroll through this list and let us know what areas you might be interested in helping with. From help with planning, to help on the day of the event, we would love any support you could provide. 
Can't decide which one you want to check? We suggest checking all that apply! We promise there is no commitment or pressure, you're just letting us send you an email or sign up genius every now and again to see if you're available. If you'd like more info about anything listed, please don't hesitate to reach out! 
On behalf of our LJS students and staff, thank you!
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Here is a list of committees that could use your help this year with planning and/or help on the day of the event. 
Volunteer Name
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