The Brights' Morality Project Infographic Survey (Dutch)
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"The Reality about Morality"
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"Statement 1"
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"Morality is a product of evolution and human experience."
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"Morality is derived from both the evolved biochemistry of the brain and sociocultural influences. Displayed above are the neuroanatomical structures associated with morality."
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"Statement 2"
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"Morality is not exclusive to human beings; elements of it can be found in other animal relationships."
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"Empathy, fairness, reciprocity and other moral behaviors preceded the emergence of human religions by millions of years."
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"Statement 3"
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"Because morality is acquired through evolution, it exists in all societies and cultures."
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"Because they occur universally in all human cultures with no known exceptions, moral universals like the ones displayed here are most likely evolved psychological phenomena."
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"Statement 4"
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"Infants exhibit signs of morality even before they have experienced much of the world."
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"Recent infant morality research shows that, starting at 14 months of age, infants help others spontaneously without the expectation of any reward."
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"More formal expressions of the above 4 statements were reviewed and validated by the following scientists:"
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"For more information, visit our website."
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"Click here to view or share the infographic"
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"Click here for recommended readings"
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"Click here to explore the scientific studies"
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"Learn more"
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