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Railway Work, Life and Death (RWLD) project: What will you discover?
With around 16,000 new entries to our database we would like to hear from you, about what you are looking for in this digital data and how it might benefit your own research.

Our aim is to improve knowledge and understanding of British and Irish railway worker accidents from the later 19th century to the start of the Second World War and your research using our database and sharing your findings is pivotal to this.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! It should take about 5 minutes to complete.

For more information about the RWLD project, access to the database and details of how your research could contribute, please visit; 
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How did you hear about the Railway Work life and Death (RWLD) project ? (please tick all that apply) *
Have you accessed and used the RWLD database before? *
Have you previously found the RWLD database useful to your research?
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Do you have any general comments about our current database? (e.g. access, format, content)
Why would you use the RWLD database? (please tick all that apply) *
Who are you researching for? (Please tick all the apply) *
Are you looking at a specific date or historic period? If so what date / range are you most interested in?
What topic is the focus of your research? (please tick all that apply) *
Do you have a research question you are looking to address or a specific topic/event you are investigating?  If so what is it?
The RWLD database is being expanded by c. 16,000 new records. What are you hoping to discover?   *
Have you contributed to our blog?
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How do you keep up to date with the RWLD project? (please tick all that apply) *
Any additional questions or comments?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!
for more information about the RWLD project please visit 
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