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NaHaiWriMo 2021 Zoom Readings
National Haiku Writing Month is pleased to announce a special Zoom addition to its festivities for 2021: Two global NaHaiWriMo poetry readings at the end of February 2021, via Zoom. They’ll be held on February 27, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Pacific Time and on February 28, 9:00–11:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Please register for one or both readings here. We ask for your registration to help us plan, and so we can email you the Zoom links. Thanks!

The amount of time to read per person will depend on the number of participants in each of the two readings. Our two time slots should allow for everyone in different time zones around the world to participate in one reading or the other, or both. The following list shows the start time in selected time zones, so you can see which day works best for you. Add this to your calendar now! Zoom links and other details will be shared with everyone who registers. Please save selected NaHaiWriMo haiku and senryu from February 2021 to share with everyone!

Reading 1 (local time listed)
Seattle — 6:00 pm February 27 (Saturday)
New York — 9:00 pm February 27 (Saturday)
Auckland — 3:00 pm February 28 (Sunday)
Perth — 10:00 am February 28 (Sunday)
Tokyo — 11:00 am February 28 (Sunday)
Melbourne — 1:00 pm February 28 (Sunday)
India — 7:30 am February 28 (Sunday)
London — 2:00 am February 28 (Sunday)

Reading 2 (local time listed)
Seattle — 9:00 am February 28 (Sunday)
New York — 12:00 noon February 28 (Sunday)
Auckland — 6:00 am Monday March 1 (Monday)
Perth — 1:00 am March 1 (Monday)
Tokyo — 2:00 am March 1 (Monday)
Melbourne — 4:00 am March 1 (Monday)
India — 10:30 pm March 1 (Monday)
London — 5:00 pm March 1 (Monday)

Time Zone Converter:

You can also register just to listen (you don't have to read), and you are welcome to invite others to register as well. Details of the reading itself will be worked out depending on the number of readers signed up. Poems you read should have been written for NaHaiWriMo in 2021, but do not have to have followed the daily prompts.

For more information about NaHaiWriMo, please visit If you have questions, please contact Michael Dylan Welch at
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Please list where you live (City, State in the United States / City, Province in Canada / City, Country elsewhere) *
Which reading(s) will you attend? (choose one or both; see above for time zone conversions) *
Is 2021 your first year of doing NaHaiWriMo? *
Any other comments? (please don't use this field for questions)
See you at a 2021 NaHaiWriMo Zoom reading! Check time differences carefully (see times and time-zone converter link above) and add one or both readings to your calendar.
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