Hidden Thoughts: A Musical Work

Plain Language Statement

Researcher details:
Name: Dr Katy Abbott, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne.
Email: kaabbott@unimelb.edu.au and University phone number: +61 3 8344 7896

Project details:
This survey is part of a large new musical piece being created by composer Katy Abbott through her research role at University of Melbourne, VCA–MCM. It is designed to capture the hidden thoughts of women. You have the opportunity to contribute to the text of the piece and have it included as part of the composition. You may hear your words sung back to you!

Hidden thoughts go to the heart of our humanity. It is where the intensely personal meets the public arena.  I am interested in creating a piece of music that allows the audience to hear the hidden thoughts of the community, as well as provide opportunity for individuals to hear their own anonymous hidden thoughts in live performance.

The one-hour piece will be composed for six voices and six instruments for professional Australian ensembles. The performances are likely to be music festivals and performances will be advertised on the composer’s website.

Dr Katy Abbott is a Composer, Educator and The Artists' Mentor who writes music for orchestras and chamber ensembles and music for vocal settings.  She works as Lecturer in Composition at Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne. For more about Katy Abbott, hear excerpts of her music and keep up to date with this project, visit katyabbott.com

What will I be asked to do?
Should you agree to participate, you would be asked about your hidden thoughts and your answers may be used as text in the new musical composition.  

The survey will take up to 10 minutes to complete.  You answers are completely anonymous and there is NO WAY to link you with your submission.  Your involvement in the project is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time, simply by closing the browser.

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