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      RE/MAX Valentines WE LOVE OTHELLO Day!                     2/13/2025 Client Appreciation Event
For our CURRENT and PAST Real Estate Clients: 
The Brian Gentry Team of RE/MAX Northwest wants to SHOW YOU THAT WE LOVE and APPRECIATE YOU.  THANK YOU for your continued support throughout the year!  To do so, and in celebration of VALENTINES DAY, we will be giving you a free BOX of CHOCOLATES and a bottle of delicious SHEFFIELD'S Sparkling Cider - either APPLE CHERRY or VINTAGE DRY... but there is a limited amount.  To receive your chocolates and cider, fill out the form below choosing your flavor of cider... then come to our office on Thursday, February 13th (2025) anytime between 9 am and 5 pm. We have to order supplies well in advance, so the deadline to choose your cider is February 7, 2025 by 5 pm.

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One box of Russell Stover Chocolates!
First and Last Name? *
Email Address? *
Cell Number? *
Who is/was your agent? *
The best compliment we can receive is a referral. Do you know anyone looking to buy or sell a home? Or just needs some good advice? If so, please provide us their name, phone number and or email. (Or do YOU need some advice?  We're here to help.)  THANK YOU!
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