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The role of Industries
Survey conducted by : Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association (IRMRA)
(DPIIT) formerly known as (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India

Survey conducted for  : Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) formerly known as (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India

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Data Provided for the Survey will be kept Confidential.Please write your valuable comments wherever necessary.
Disclaimer: This survey is been carried out on the advice of Nodal Ministry namely DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce & Industries in order to identify status/ technology/skill gaps to facilitate sector/product specific policies to improve quality standards and global competitiveness. Your cooperation by way of completion of the questionnaire is solicited.
IRMRA will inform  when the report  is released by the Nodal Ministry
1) Name of the Organization/Company
2) Address
2.a) City
2.b) District
2.c) State
3) Contact Person(Name & Designation)
4) Phone/Mobile no/Fax no
5) Email:
6) Year of Establishment
7) Product Sector
8) Type of Organization/Company
9) Are you Member of any of these listed
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