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Class 4 End of 'Topic' Quiz
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What is Africa?
a country
a continent
a state
How many countries does Africa have?
Name at least three African countries. Try your best with spellings.
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What are we consumers of? Make a list of at least five things.
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What does a 'considerate consumer' mean? Explain in your own words.
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Fairtrade or Fair Trade? Explain the meanings of both in your own words.
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Name at least five 'Fairtrade' products.
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What does 'Omushana' mean?
We learnt about the life of rural children which the Omushana Charity supports. Name at least three jobs children do before attending school.
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Rural communities farm together to make lighter work, looking after each others produce. Can you name at least five products which are grown on plantation farms?
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How does the Omushana Charity help rural communities with the money they raise?
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Omushana buys directly from the people who make the products e.g. baskets, wooden animals etc. Why don't they buy from trade stalls on markets? Explain in your own words.
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