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CMWAC Purdy's Chocolate Bar Order Form
The CMWAC Youth Ambassador Group is a youth organized group whose focus is to improve mental wellness by building self-confidence, leadership, and team-building skills. This fundraiser would allow us to expand our message of mental wellness to a larger community.

We will be selling milk chocolate bars, dark chocolate bars, milk chocolate with almond bars and hedgehogs (comes in a pack of 4). This form is for orders only.
Milk Chocolate Bars - $2.00/bar
Dark Chocolate Bars - $2.00/bar
Milk Chocolate with Almond Bars - $5.00/bar
Hedgehogs (4 per pack) - $5.00/pack

These chocolate bars will be available for purchase all year long. They are the perfect stocking stuffers, Christmas gifts, or Valentine's day gifts.

Payment: e-transfer to (cash is accepted if paid to our office)

You will be contacted by our Youth Group to confirm the date, time and payment method via email. Orders must be paid for before receiving the chocolates.

Pickup location:
#3105-8888 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, BC, V6X 3Z8

If you are unable to pick-up your order in person, please email us at to arrange an alternate pick-up location or to get your order delivered.

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How many milk chocolate bars would you like to purchase?
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How many dark chocolate bars would you like to purchase?
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How many milk chocolate with almond bars would you like to purchase?
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How many packs of hedgehogs would you like to purchase?
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Your Name *
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Email Address *
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