Artist Day 8th of Februari at Het Bos
Het Bos, Morpho, Mestizo Arts Platform, hetpaleis, wpZimmer, Toneelhuis, Detheatermaker, Monty and Rataplan are jointly organizing artists' day for the first time! 

What do these organizations do for artists?   

Think job interview, but in reverse. Art organizations will take turns in unraveling more openly the programs and ways in which they try to support the artist's practice. After a brief presentation you can join an open and informal discussion on how a more open and close relationship between organizations and artists can enrich the art scene in Antwerp.

Join us at het Bos for a talk, some food (hello, Boskeuken) and drinks!

17.00: welcome artists 
17.30: presentation organizations
18.15: introductory moment & round table & individual questions with free drinks
19.00: opening expo Sporen herleven (expo by students Kunstkaai) and Boskeuken (Boskeuken to be reserved, 15 euro)
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