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Bremerton Rotary Community Grant Application
.°˖✧ Please read the following instructions prior to filling out your application. ✧˖°.

🚨 We do NOT accept grant applications OR application information via email🚨
Please include all applicable information in the form boxes within the application below.

Organizations are encouraged to submit requests a minimum of 90 days prior to date funds are needed. 
Duplicate requests for the same event in the same fiscal year will not be considered for funding.

Funding Schedule:
Applications received during June/July/August will be reviewed in September.
Applications received during September/October/November will be reviewed in December.
Applications received during December/January/February will be reviewed in March.
Applications received during March/April/May will be reviewed in June.
We strive reach a funding decision, notify awardees, and mail checks within the review month.

By submitting this form, you agree to providing a Summary Report (info at bottom of form) to be submitted via email to should a grant be awarded to your organization.

Thank you for all you do for our local community, and we look forward to reviewing your application. 😊
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Email *
Name of organization *
Organization mailing address *
Organization website *
Organization social media account(s)
What is your organization's mission /purpose? *
What is your organization’s impact on the local community? *
Contact name for this grant request *
Contact email *
Contact phone number *
Is your organization a nonprofit (501c3 tax-exempt)? *
What is the name of program or project for which you are requesting funds? *
Briefly describe the program or project for which you are requesting funds. Please indicate who will be served/benefit from the program/event, and the potential impact of program or event on the local community. *
What is your estimated budget for this program/project? *
Do you have other sources of funding for this program/project? If so, please list. *
What amount of money are you requesting from Bremerton Rotary? *
Have you received funding from Bremerton Rotary before? If so, when? *
Please detail any recognition the Bremerton Rotary Club will receive for its support.  Examples include:  logo or mention in advertising, program, newsletter or poster; social media or web site exposure; recognition at event or other organization event/function, etc. *
Is there anything else you'd like to share with the Grants committee about your project/program? *
Summary Report of Project/Program
The Rotary Club requires a summary report at the end of the organization’s fiscal year OR at the end of the project for which funds were requested.

This report should include how funds were used and the impact on our community.

Please also include a description of recognition given to Bremerton Rotary, as well as copies/photos/screenshots of any marketing materials or other Rotary recognition.

Please submit this information to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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