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New Volunteers
Welcome to Ocean Connect!

As you know, we are a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. As an organisation, we focus on the promotion of local participation in coastal conservation and education. Our goal is to enhance awareness on coastal and marine issues on the Gold Coast through education and citizen science. This is only made possible through our amazing volunteers.

We are always growing as an organisation and taking on new projects. Your level of involvement with Ocean Connect will depend on your skills/qualifications, availability and interests.

In the form below, please make sure to fill out your details to the best of your ability so we can coordinate suitable events and tasks for you during your time in our organisation.  
We look forward to working with you!

Joshua Cooper

Maggie Muurmans
Co-Founder, Treasurer

Karlien Paas

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Name *
Mobile Number *
Email *
I am willing to join the General Volunteers WhatsApp Group chat, and understand that I may miss out on important information and events if I am not part of this group. *
I have a current Working with Children Check (BlueCard). *
If you selected 'yes' above, please include BlueCard expiry date and card number.
I have a current First Aid Certificate *
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