RIFLA 2015 Fall Conference Presenter Proposal Form
Thank you for your desire to present at the 2015 RIFLA Fall Conference to be held on September 26, 2015 at Cumberland High School. This year's theme is Pathways to Proficiency. Please prepare a workshop that does not exceed either the 60 or 75 minute time frame. We will have 2 morning 75 minute sessions and 2 afternoon 60 minute sessions.

As a presenter, you must register for the conference. As a thank you for presenting, your conference registration fee will be waived. Please submit your registration form before August 1st, 2015. Presenters will be notified at the end of the summer regarding acceptance of their proposals.  

Questions or comments? Contact Conference Chair, Sarah Steverman, at spanishteachsjs@gmail.com
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Presenter's Name *
Affiliation/Institution Name and Job Title *
Presenter's Email Address *
Presenter's Phone Number *
Presenter's Mailing Address *
Presenter's Bio *
Please provide a short description of your professional background in 50 words or less.
Co-Presenters names (If applicable)
Session Title *
Limit 15 Words in English
Session Abstract *
In 50 words or less please provide a concise description of your session as it would appear in the program. Please make sure your description touches on the theme of the conference. The abstract should contain information about the topics and methods of delivery of your session or workshop. It should serve as an overview to entice attendees to attend your session or workshop. The Conference Team reserves the right to edit abstracts and/or titles for clarity.
Session Description *
Please provide a full description of your proposed session (no more than 100 words). Please provide information on session content and how you will engage participants and share resources.
Which strand does your presentation best support? *
Main Language of the presentation *
Language(s) in which examples will be presented *
Audience(s) for which your session would be appropriate *
Check all that apply
Each room is equipped with an LCD projector and screen. Any additional items must be brought by presenter. *
Attendee Information-Will you provide handouts and/or links? Check which apply *
Handouts are an important part of the learning process in sessions and workshops. Please provide your own handouts where applicable.  RIFLA will advise presenters in advance of the room capacity.  Rooms are generally classrooms with approximately 25 desks. Presenters are also encouraged to provide links to online access to their materials or follow-up information online.
Presentation Time Preference-approximately *
 Presenters must be willing to present at any time on September 26th but we will try to accommodate your request. Please indicate your APPROXIMATE preferred presentation time. There will be four 60 minute presentations.
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