ACAvengers Leadership Application
Please try to answer the questions thoughtfully, but don't stress about writing a ton! We know you are all busy -- we are just looking for a few sentences for each answer to get to know you a bit! :)
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Name *
Program, year *
eg. Medicine, 1st year or Social Work, 2nd year
What positions are you interested in? *
Feel free to check more than one!
What excites you about the position(s) you are interested in? *
If you are interested in more than one position, feel free to write a few sentences about each one.
What ACAvenger event have you enjoyed the most, and why? *
(just 2-3 sentences is fine)
Tell us briefly about a leadership (or team) experience that you have had - what did you do, and what did you learn? *
No experience required, but we want to get a sense of how you work with people.
Let us know about an experience you have had related to the ACA or healthcare access. *
This can be professional, academic, personal, volunteer, a job -- anything!
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