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Encapsulating the Essence by Mimi Plauché - Masterclass Registration - Stockfish Film & Industry Festival 2024

Please register yourself through this form to attend the Masterclass Encapsulating the Essence by Mimi Plauché at Stockfish Film Festival 2024.

Location: Bíó Paradís - Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavík
Date: Thursday, 11th April
Time: 11:00

Film festival strategies are essential for filmmakers looking to maximize the impact of their films on the festival circuit. A well-thought-out strategy can enhance the chances of selection, garner attention from industry professionals, and potentially lead to distribution deals.

In this event, the artistic director of the Chicago Film Festival, Mimi Plauché, and SFIF artistic director and producer Hrönn Kristinsdóttir will encapsulate the essence of what is most relevant for film festival programmers and oversee all aspects of the artistic production.

Stockfish Film & Industry Festival Team

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