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Emmaus Sponsor Application
Dayspring Walk to Emmaus
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Which weekend is your pilgrim applying for? *
Pilgrim's Name
Sponsor's Name
Sponsor's Email *
Sponsor's Cell *
Sponsor's Address *
Sponsor's City, State, Zip
Sponsor Attended *
Community Name and walk number *
Year you attended *

Sponsor’s Covenant 

As a sponsor, I  agree to enter into a covenant relationship with the Dayspring Walk to Emmaus Community. 

As part of this covenant, I believe the following to be true about this pilgrim:  This pilgrim is a member of a church and an active Christian whose own renewal will mean new energy, commitment, and vision in the church and everyday environments for Christ.  This pilgrim is committed to living a life that is pleasing to God, and wants to grow and increase his or her knowledge and understanding of God and God’s will.  This pilgrim’s theology and/or practices are compatible with the traditional theology and practices represented by the Walk to Emmaus.  This pilgrim is psychologically stable and is not involved or has not recently been involved in any situation of emotional distress which could interfere with the pilgrim giving his or her full attention to the message and experience of the Walk to Emmaus.  This pilgrim does not have characteristics or traits of personality which would distract other pilgrims who want to enhance their spiritual growth during the weekend.  As part of this covenant, I make the following assurances about myself as a sponsor:  My decision to sponsor this pilgrim comes from a concentrated time in prayer to discern who God wants me to sponsor.  I understand the ultimate reason for recruiting someone to attend the Walk is to deepen that person’s existing relationship with Christ and to create an enthusiastic disciple to work in God’s Kingdom. I understand that looking upon Emmaus as a ‘hospital’ where every human ill can be cured will have a weakening effect on the entire community. My motivation in sponsoring this pilgrim is not “to get all my friends to go,” to get this pilgrim “straightened out,” to change this person, or to make a new Christian.  In fulfilling my duties as sponsor, I pledge the following:  To continue in prayer for this pilgrim.  To give my undivided personal attention to my pilgrim, including transporting the pilgrim to and from the weekend, and attending key events such as Send-off, Candlelight, and Closing.  To fully support the pilgrim’s family and/or meet other needs in the pilgrim’s home and personal life, such as feeding pets or watering plants, during the three days.  To collect at least twelve (12) personal agape letters from close friends and family members. I will work quietly behind-the-scenes to obtain these letters so the pilgrim is unaware of what is happening. I will hold back any extra letters above twelve (12) and present them as a fourth-day
surprise to my pilgrim after the weekend.  To sponsor only one person per Walk, and to avoid working as a Conference Room team member on this pilgrim’s walk or engaging in other activities that would dilute the effort required of a sponsor.  I will not make efforts nor will I ask team members to deliver personal gifts to this pilgrim during the three days. 

To these beliefs, assurances and pledges, I offer my covenant as sponsor. 

Writing your name on the line below constitutes your agreement.
Are you a  team member on the walk your pilgrim will attend? *
Why do you want to sponsor this pilgrim? *
Does your pilgrim need any special accommodations? *
Have you explained the Walk to Emmaus, Reunion Groups, the Pio Party and Monthly Gatherings to your pilgrim? *
In case of need my Pilgrim's alternate sponsor is (Name) *
Alternate Sponsor Cell *
Alternate Sponsor Email *
Alternate Sponsor Attended *
Community Name and walk number *
Year you attended *
A Pastor's approval is required. Please copy and paste the following and send to the pilgrim's pastor. The registrar will note on the application when the pastor has responded.

Hi Pastor, my name is (Your Name). I am sponsoring (Pilgrim's Name) on the Walk to Emmaus. Emmaus is an ecumenical spiritual growth and discipleship weekend aimed at strengthening church members for service in their local church. If you are not familiar with the Walk to Emmaus I would love to share with you more about it. In order for (Pilgrim's Name) to attend he/she needs your approval. Can you please let our registrar Ellen Kingery know that you approve (Pilgrim's name) to attend? You can either text 912-237-0661 or email It can be as simple as:

I, (Pastor's Name) give approval for (Pilgrim's Name) to attend the walk to Emmaus.

Our registrar or I am happy to answer any questions you might have.
I understand my pilgrim or I will have to pay $125 upon arrival *
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