A Pastor's approval is required. Please copy and paste the following and send to the pilgrim's pastor. The registrar will note on the application when the pastor has responded.
Hi Pastor, my name is (Your Name). I am sponsoring (Pilgrim's Name) on the Walk to Emmaus. Emmaus is an ecumenical spiritual growth and discipleship weekend aimed at strengthening church members for service in their local church. If you are not familiar with the Walk to Emmaus I would love to share with you more about it. In order for (Pilgrim's Name) to attend he/she needs your approval. Can you please let our registrar Ellen Kingery know that you approve (Pilgrim's name) to attend? You can either text 912-237-0661 or email dayspringregistrar@gmail.com. It can be as simple as:
I, (Pastor's Name) give approval for (Pilgrim's Name) to attend the walk to Emmaus.
Our registrar or I am happy to answer any questions you might have.